
From TDN

Behaviors Listing

Welcome! Here you will find user contributed behaviors that can be added to your games. Behaviors are available in all TGB versions since 1.5. To find out how to add your own behaviors to this listing, go here.

Other Links:
Writing Your Own Behavior
Complete Behavior Callback Listing

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Torque Game Builder (TGB) Behaviors



Attach Path Attach the object onto a path
Face Object Faces the object toward another object
Face Object Left-To-Right Flips the object left or right to face another object
Move Toward Object Moves the object toward another object
Random Velocity Sets a random velocity when the object is spawned
Spawn Area Continually spawns objects in the area of the object
Spawn Area With Random Velocity Continually spawns objects (with a random velocity when the object is spawned) in the area of the object
Spawn On Remove Spawns an object when the object is destroyed
Timer Shoots Shoots a projectile on a timer
Turret Shoots automatically at a target


AudioDescription Creates an AudioDescription when the object is created.
AudioProfile Creates an AudioProfile when the object is created.
MouseOverSound Plays an audio profile on mouseEnter event.
MouseClickSound Plays an audio profile on mouseClick event.
PlaySoundOnRemove Plays an audio profile when an object is removed.
PlaySoundOnCollision Plays an audio profile on collision.


Deals Damage Damages objects with the Takes Damage behavior on collision
Takes Damage Receives damage from the Deals Damage behavior on collision
Takes Damage Advanced Receives damage from the Deals Damage behavior on collision and updates scoreboard


Camera Mount Mounts the camera to the currently selected object
Camera Move Moves the camera to an object's world limit when clicked
Camera Follow Camera follows an object with in another object
Collision Particles Plays a particle effect upon collision
Contrail Plays a particle effect only when its mounted parent is moving
Fade Object Adds fading ability to scene objects
Parallax Object Repositions an object based upon camera movement to simulate depth
Scale Object Adds ability to shrink or grow to an object
Self Destruct Destroys the object and plays an effect at a specified event
Swap Image on Collision Swaps the image of a sprite when it collides
World Limit Particles Plays a particle effect upon hitting the world limit
Blink Out Exists for only a short time before blinking and then disappearing

Game Logic

Count On Death When the object dies, increments (or decrements) a counter (scoring, lives etc)
Counter Holds a count value, can be incremented or decremented and sets text to display value
Clock Rotates a clock hand 360 degrees over a specific period of time
Fixed Position Health Bar A health bar which can shrink towards top, bottom, left, or right edges, or shrink vertically or horizontally towards the center


Generic Button Turns an object into a simple button
GUI Container Puts a TGE GUI inside of a SceneObject.
Level Button Loads a new level when clicked
Mouse Over Grow Scales the object when the mouse is hovering over it
Mouse Over Cursor Change Allows you to change the cursor when the mouse enters and leaves an object
Object Overlay Overlays an object on top of another object when the mouse is hovering over it
SplashScreen Turns an object into a splash screen
Tool Tip Renders a custom tool tip on an object when the mouse is hovering over it
Score Board Turns a text object into a scoreboard


Generic Input Action Adds a keybind for a specified function
Shoots Shoots a projectile
Snap to Grid Snaps an object to specified tilemap
Behaviors Demo Demonstrates all the behavior fields

Joystick Input

Align to Joystick Rotates an object in the direction of a joystick axis

Mouse Input

Face Mouse Faces the object toward the mouse
Flee Mouse Forces the object to avoid the mouse
Follow Mouse Moves the object to the position of the mouse
Follow Mouse Ex Moves the object toward the mouse, respecting physics
Mouse Down Constant Force Sets a constant force when the mouse is clicked
Mouse Down Explode Destroys the object when the mouse is clicked
Mouse Draggable Enables dragging of the object with the mouse
Mouse Down Scale Scales the object when the mouse is down
Mouse Down Rotate Rotates the object when the mouse is down
Mouse Down Velocity Sets a velocity on the object when the mouse is clicked
Mouse Down Damage Applies damage to an object when it is clicked
Mouse Shoots Left Mouse Button shoots (like shoots behavior)

Movement Styles

Asteroids Adds controls similar to asteroids
Platformer Adds simple platformer style controls
Shooter Adds controls similar to shooter games
SpaceShooter Top down space shooter game similar to Geometry Wars
Tank Adds tank style controls
Thruster Adds thruster style controls


Damping Sets the damping property on the object
Rigid Body Sets rigid body physics on the object
Template Disables the object unless it is a clone
World Limit Wrap Moves the object to the other side of its world limit


MousePointer Used to make an object a mouse pointer to select other objects marked as selectable
MakeSelectable Marks the specific object as selectable. Can be multiselectable and needs a selection graphic
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