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Synapse Gaming - Torque Lighting System



These articles cover the basics of working with the Torque Lighting System (used in TGEA, TGE 1.5 and TLK) and details on a some of its most popular features.

If you're adding the Torque Lighting System into an existing project, you've probably noticed that the existing levels, scenes, and assets look very bright - that's normal and easy to adjust. The Torque Lighting System creates brighter, more vibrant scenes by doubling Torque's lighting intensity, so restoring the original lighting levels is as simple as cutting the color and ambient values of the sun and the interior light entities in half.

But don't stop here - these articles cover a lot of info that makes game development a snap, so read on...

Contributing Your Articles

When updating or creating an article please include information on which product(s) it applies to (TGEA, TGE 1.5, TLK , ...).

All article paths need to use the following format to make use of TDN's security model:

Torque/LightingSystem/<article name> - used for all generic Torque Lighting System and TLK specific articles TorqueShaderEngine/LightingSystem/<article name> - used for all TGEA specific articles

Lighting TGEA Specific

Creating Lights
Static -vs- Dynamic Lights
Lighting Models
Ambient and Zone Lighting
Filtering Lights
Scene Relighting Performance
DTS Lighting and Shadows
Performance Considerations
Questions and Answers

Lighting Effects (mounting, particle system, ...)
Rendering Effects (overexposure, bump/spec, ...)
Misc Effects (glowing decals, projectors, ...)

Dynamic Lighting and Shadows
Shader Features
TGEA Performance Considerations
Dynamic Lighting for Custom Materials
Migrating From TLK
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

TGE 1.5 / TLK Specific
Interior Detail Mapping
Illuminated Particles

TGE 1.5 Specific
Migrating From TLK

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