DTS/Advanced Lessons

From TDN

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These are advanced tutorials which cover how to make complex DTS shapes. If you are new to Torque or 3D art in general, make sure to run through the Getting Started tutorials before you attempt these advanced ones.

Advanced Lesson 1 : Creating a Complex Flying Vehicle
Reader will learn how to build a complex flying vehicle, with tons of bells and whistles.
3ds max

Advanced Lesson 2 : Creating a Complex Wheeled Vehicle
Same as above, except with more wheels and less wings.
3ds max

Advanced Lesson 3 : Creating a Complex Character
How to create a complex character.
3ds max gameSpace

Advanced Lesson 4 : Introduction to Normal Mapping
In this lesson you will learn all about the basics of normal mapping and its upcoming debut in the Torque Shader Engine.
3ds max

Advanced Lesson 5 : Creating IFL’s (Image File Lists)
Reader will learn how to build an "IFL" animated texture for an object.
3ds Max LightWave


TorqueSchool Art Courses