
From TDN


These editors are usually recommended by veterans because they are easy to get your hands on and offer debugging capabilities which is a must in the long run so you mights as well start using them now.

Torsion TorqueScript IDE
TorqueDev aka:CodeWeaver
jEdit + TIDE
Tribal IDE
Debugger For Torque (Linux Torquescript Debugger)


EditPlus - No smart indenting and for $30 might as well get UltraEdit and get smart indenting!
SourceEdit - Built in FTP client and ability to edit over FTP, an IDE any hacker could love.
NotePad Name a feature. It doesn't have it, but hey some people like that.
Eclipse with TorqueEdit My Microsoft centric brain cant comprehend your advance Java GUI concepts
Brain Editor Professional
ConTEXT - Good file browser, semi-auto-indenting, Free!
MultiEdit - $199!!!
SlickEdit an eclipse plug-in
Vim nice in that command line, telnet kind of way
Emacs Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.
Textpad - no auto complete
Crimson Editor
Jens' File Editor - no brace matching, function browsing, or auto complete
UltraEdit - A very handy hex/text editor
Lemmy syntax plugin for TorqueScript (see resource)
Notepad++ - A free and powerfull source editor
WinSyntax A text editor with Syntax Highlighting for a number of languages. You can add in a Torque Syntax Highlighter by adding and editing the files in the root/parsers/ folder.
Textmate - a popular multi-language editor for OS X. Use the TorqueScript bundle to add syntax highlighting.
Komodo Edit - The free version of the powerful Komodo IDE