TGB/PlatformerStarterKit/UpgradeGuide 1 0 to 1 1

From TDN



This document is aimed at helping you adjust to the core changes that were made in the recent PSK update (1.0.0 to 1.1.0). Thankfully, most of the changes haven't actually messed with much, but there are a few "gotchas" that we need to gloss over.

Lets start with the new method of creating an actor, using the new "pskActor" object! pskActor is derived from t2dAnimatedSprite and employs a ground detection scheme similar to the one found in the behavior. Because it runs from source, it is much more efficient and allows you to have more actors in your scene at any given time.

Actor Configuration Fields

Here is a list of config fields that the pskActor supports:

ActorType  The type of actor.
AnimationData  The datablock that stores custom animation data
SoundData  The datablock that stores custom sound data
Gravity  Amount of gravitic force applied to the actor
MaxMoveSpeed  The max speed the actor can travel
GroundAccel  Movement acceleration while running
GroundDecel  Movement deceleration while running
AirAccel  Movement acceleration while airborn
AirDecel  Movement deceleration while ariborn
JumpForce  The amount of force applied to the actor whilst jumping
AllowJumpDown  Allow jumping down through one-way platforms
AllowBounce  Allow bouncing
BounceJumpTimeOut  Max time between bouncing and performing a bounce jump
AllowGliding  Allow gliding
GlideMaxFallSpeed  Maximum fall speed while gliding
GlideTimeOut  Maximum amount of time spend gliding before reset
AllowClimbing  Allow climbing
ClimbUpSpeed  Movement speed while climbing up
ClimbDownSpeed  Movement speed while climbing down
ClimbSideSpeed  Movement speed while climbing sideways
GroundCheckThreshold  Y-Distance to check grounding
GroundCheckMaxNormal  Maximum slope size
LadderAttachThreshold  Distance that the actor has to be from the ladder before attaching
LadderDetachTimeOut  The time between detaching and being able to reattach to a ladder
LadderJumpCoefficient  The coefficient of the jump force applied while jumping from a ladder
MaxHealth  The max amount of health the actor can have
MaxArmour  The max amount of armour the actor can have
ArmourModifier  Amount of damage reduced whilst the actor has armour
AllowRespawn  Allow respawning after death
Lives  The number of lives left
DeathTimeOut  The time between dying and respawning
DamageTimeOut  The time between taking damage

Actor Support Fields

The above fields are enough to get your objects configured, but if you are going to modify your actors, you'll need to know some information about them:

Alive  Is the actor alive?
Armour  Amount of armour the actor has
Bouncing  Are we bouncing now?
Climbing  Are we climbing now?
Direction  Direction the actor is heading
Gliding  Are we gliding now?
Health  Amount of health the actor has
Jump  Is the "jump" key being held down?
OnGround  Are we on the ground?
Spawning  Are we spawning?
Speed  The movement speed that we're traveling
BounceTime  The time that we last bounced
DamageTime  The time that we were last damaged
DeathTime  The time that we last died
DirectionTime  The time that we last changed direction
GlideTime  The time at we last started gliding
JumpTime  The last time that the actor jumped
LadderDetachTime  The time that we detached from a ladder last
GroundComponent  Store the ID of the ground component the actor is on
GroundNormal  The surface normal of the ground the actor is on
GroundObject  The ID of the ground object the actor is on
GroundPoint  The point of contact that the actor has with the ground surface
JumpDownPlatform  The ID of the platform that we ignore while jumping down
LadderBehavior  The behavior ID of the ladder we're attached to
LadderObject  The ID of the ladder the actor is attached to
BounceCoefficient  How high the actor bounces on a bounce jump
InheritedVelocity  The velocity that we inherit from external events
RespawnPosition  The position that the actor will respawn to

It isn't until you see lists like the above, that you realise how much work goes into creating one of those little guys!

Most of the fields on the list are going to be familiar to you if you are familiar with the original ActorBehavior, so I will focus on the main additions to the list. Before we get to that, I'll give you an example of how to create a new pskActor object through script.

Creating and configuring a pskActor

You will need to create a new datablock to configure the actor.

datablock t2dSceneObjectDatablock(DrillActorTemplate)
    Class             = "DrillClass";
    Size              = "16.000 12.000";
    Layer             = "2";
    CollisionPolyList = "-0.550 -0.500 0.170 -0.500 0.170 0.220 -0.190 0.700 -0.550 0.220";
    ActorType         = "Drill";
    _Behavior0        = "AIControllerBehavior    AIType    Drill";
    AnimationData     = "DrillAnimationData";
    SoundData         = "DrillSoundData";
    MaxMoveSpeed = 16;
    GroundAccel  = 1000;
    GroundDecel  = 1000;
    AllowRespawn = false;
    DeathTimeOut = 500;

Once the configuration datablock has been created, you need to create your scene object:

new pskActor(MyDrillActor)
    SceneGraph = sceneWindow2d.getSceneGraph();
    Config     = DrillActorTemplate;

Thats it, pretty simple right? Creating an actor from the Level Editor is even easier! Drag out a reference image (just use anything that helps you identify that object as being an actor, I like to use the idle animation of the actor type that is going to be created). On this object, add the "SpawnPointBehavior" behavior to the object. Select "pskActor" from the "TargetType" field and then select the datablock you created from the "TargetObject" list.

Now onto a few of the property changes!

Important Updated Properties


This field has been moved from ActorAnimationBehavior and renamed from AnimationSuffix to ActorType. Its role is not only to identify the appropriate animations for the actor, but it also replaces the role of the AIType field from AIController.


If your animation naming scheme does not conform to the PSK's convention, <ActorType><StateName>Animation, then you must specify each state's animation manually. You do this in a SimDatablock referenced by AnimationData. For example:

datablock t2dSceneObjectDatablock(DrillActorTemplate)
    AnimationData     = "DrillAnimationData";

datablock SimDataBlock(DrillAnimationData)
    RunAnimation = "DrillIdleAnimation";


Similar to the AnimationData field, we can use this datablock to specify the sounds for each state that this actor should use, as well as any properties it needs to use.

datablock t2dSceneObjectDatablock(DrillActorTemplate)
    SoundData     = "DrillSoundData";

datablock SimDataBlock(DrillSoundData)
    InnerRadius = 20;
    OuterRadius = 80;
    RunSound = "DrillIdleSound";

To Be Continued...

As always, if I haven't covered anything or something needs clarifying let me know and I'll get right onto it.