T3D/Howtos/ Animated Image Sequence

From TDN

Animated Image Sequence

By Steve Acaster

The Animated Image Sequence works pretty much like an animated strip of film, thus it has to be horiztonally long.

First - you need a UVmap on your object (as normal) but you want to make the UVmap select the first section of your image sequence. And make sure that they're all of an equal size or it won't display correctly.
So if your first section is 256pixels wide then every section along the image strip has to be as well. The sequence takes up the whole of the vertical portion of the image (or as much as your UVmap selection covers anyway) and then plays horizontally across.

For a demo I used a single x512pixel texture with 4 128pixel sections using different colours (RGB+grey)to signify the boundaries of each section. Then UVmap the first section only, so that it fills the plane/object.

Boot up T3D, stick the object in-game and in the material editor select the object/material. In Animation Properties check "Image Sequence" and enter what speed you want it play along the sections in "Frames/Sec".
Use the slider in Frames to get to a suitable size for your frame so that it ends up displaying a whole section only, and not half of two sections. For a x512 texture split into 4 sections I found that a setting of 6.25 was best.

Video Tutorial (YouTube - no audio)