
From TDN



What is the Torque Memory Manager, how does it work, and why does it keep breaking my stuff?

Usually, the Torque Memory Manager is something that most people run up against the first time they try to use STL. The TMM is actually a very powerful tool that can help you find memory leaks easily, track memory usage, and potentially helps improve the performance of your game.

What is it?

The TMM is a red-black tree of chunks of allocated memory which it stores in pages. By default, the TMM will allocate 8mb pages at a time. If you've ever looked at a performance graph of your running Torque game, especially one with a memory leak, you will see a line that is constant at Xmb of RAM, then it will jump up to X+8mb of RAM. The default page size of 8mb is the reason for that. To change the minimum page size, look on (or about) line 30 of platform/ and you will see:

static U32 MinPageSize = 8*1024*1024;

How does it work?

This is not the place for a description of how a Red-Black tree works, Google is your friend in this case. At a higher level, though, the TMM prevents your game from allocating or de-allocating a whole bunch of memory all the time. There is an associated cost, still, with allocating/unallocating, but with the red-black tree it should be around O(log N) complexity. The TMM also stores a lot of information, with DEBUG_GUARD turned on that can help you track down memory leaks. And it can tell you where the majority of your memory is being allocated. Having a centralized location for memory allocation is also useful for tieing in your own, or 3rd party debugging tools. Without going into too much detail, Microsofts SDK has memory tracking tools which I was able to hook up to Torque very easily in order to produce more verbose dumps.

Torque manages memory in multiple ways. The two most fundamental are:

  • Torque keeps track of all memory that the operating system has released to the application. When an object is deleted from the system, it's memory is released back to Torque's Memory Manager, which holds the memory until another object within Torque asks for memory, and then allocates it directly. If/when the Torque Memory Manager doesn't have enough memory on hand to meet the request, it will ask the operating system for a large chunk of memory (not dependent on the actual amount of memory immediately needed), and give part of it over to the object requesting the immediate assignment of memory.
  • Torque also keeps track of what objects have been allocated, and when it's possible, will use a single object in memory and apply the concept of reference counts. This saves memory, because instead of simply giving memory to a new request every single time, it will check to see if a valid "instance" of this object can be referenced instead, and if so, it will return a pointer to this instance instead. When all references to an area of memory are cleared, it will release that memory back to the Memory Manager, which will hold it for future allocations.

TMM and Network Ghosting
TMM becomes involved in the networking/ghosting system in the following way:

  • If an object comes into scope, it will be networked to the appropriate client.
  • When this client receives a ghost object that is not currently instantiated, it will ask for a reference to the object from the Resource Manager, and will use that reference.
  • The resource manager will check to see if a valid reference to this object already exists in allocated memory, and if so return that reference. If not, it will ask the Memory Manager for enough memory to create an instance, and provide a reference to that new instance.
  • When an object goes out of scope for a particular client on the server, it will no longer be ghosted, and will eventually (a few network/processing cycles) be removed from the client simulation.
  • The resource manager will decrement the reference count for that instance, and if it reaches zero, it will release the memory back to the Memory Manager
  • It is important to note that to someone "outside" of the application, the memory footprint of Torque will never "go down in megs", because of how the Memory Manager works--it keeps all memory, "planning ahead" for future requests.

Why does it keep breaking my stuff?

The TMM redefines the new keyword and many things such as STL don't like that sort of thing. There was some work being done on getting Torque to play nice with STL, and I am not sure how that is progressing, however this is what you can do to disable the TMM in your game.

First, compile the engine with TORQUE_DISABLE_MEMORY_MANAGER defined. This will turn off the memory managing, the memory debug stuff, etc.

Next, look in where it defines the new keyword, and change it to look like this

void* FN_CDECL operator new(dsize_t, void* ptr)
   return (ptr);
#include <new>

That should fix your problem.

Another solution is being developed by one of our Associates though I am not sure of it's current status. His solution allows you to just do #include "stl_fix.h" before you include any STL header and it will work. I have asked him to post a resource on this and I will edit this resource when/if he does. In the meantime, you can find a copy of the work in progress at [[1]].

Finding Memory Leaks

Memory leaks are a pain. Every developer hates them, and they can be very difficult to track down. Torque has some tools that make it much easier to find memory leaks quickly and easily that you may not know about.

When you compile Torque, (or just with DEBUG_GUARD defined, it stores an extra chunk of information in the allocated memory header such as the file name and line number of the memory allocation. This is very useful when combined with the ability to set flags on allocated memory. The method of memory leak detection that I am presenting is based off of two (script) function calls: FlagCurrentAllocs and DumpUnflaggedAllocs.

When FlagCurrentAllocs is called, the method steps through every allocated memory header, and sets a flag that basically just says, "Hey this header has been flagged." When DumpUnflaggedAllocs is called, it steps through all the headers, and any header that does not have the FlaggityFlag set will be dumped to a file in the following format:

FileName   line   size-in-bytes   alloc-number

"Great," you say, "How does that help me?" Well believe it or not, this is really, super-useful and powerful. The best way to demonstrate this, however, is with an example! I added this function to

ConsoleFunction( leakMemory, void, 1, 1, "" )
   char *foo = new char[256];
   Con::printf( "--Leaked 256 * sizeof( char ) bytes of memory!" );

Make sure Torque is compiled with DEBUG_GUARD defined in or globally. (For the purposes of this tutorial, it is ok to just uncomment that line in, but if you are looking for one in your game, it should be defined in the project file. Now do the following:

1. Start up Torque. 2. Pop down the console 3. Type: FlagCurrentAllocs(); 4. Type: DumpUnflaggedAllocs("./dump0.txt"); 5. Type: leakMemory(); 6. Type: DumpUnflaggedAllocs("./dump1.txt");

The contents of dump0.txt should look like this:

i:\source\torque\engine\console\   777   56   4363
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   610   20   4366
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   510   28   4367
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   280   60   4369
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   249   32   4370
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   395   48   4371
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   777   56   4372
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   610   32   4375
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   510   40   4376
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   442   32   4368

Anything that comes from,, or, is NOT a memory leak (most likely, unless you broke something in there) because it is mostly reallocations and allocations from script memory.

The contents of dump1.txt should look like this:

<b>i:\source\torque\engine\console\   27   256   4362</b>
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   777   56   4363
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   610   20   4366
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   510   28   4367
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   280   60   4369
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   249   32   4370
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   395   48   4371
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   777   56   4372
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   610   32   4375
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   510   40   4376
i:\source\torque\engine\console\   442   32   4368

Hey, there's our memory leak! The new call was on line 27, and 256 bytes were allocated, it was allocation #4362. See how this could be useful? But wait there's MORE!

What is that allocation number, and why is it useful? Well, I'll tell you! Do the following:

1. Start up Torque with the following command line argument: -jSave foo.jrn 2. Pop down the console 3. Type: FlagCurrentAllocs(); 4. Type: leakMemory(); 5. Type: DumpUnflaggedAllocs("./jrn_dmp.txt");

Look at the memory leak line, note the allocation number, and change the following line in

U32  gBreakAlloc = 0xFFFFFFFF;


U32  gBreakAlloc = (your allocation number);

(Note this is the hackey way to do it, there is a function called setBreakAlloc to do this)

Now run Torque with the following command line argument in the debugger: -jPlay foo.jrn

If you've never seen a journal running... well, now you've seen one. Cool huh. Now when it executes the leakMemory(); line, it will debug break. This will let you break on a certain allocation. But wait there's more!

One issue I ran into on Marble Blast for the Xbox was a GPU memory leak, so all I'd get was that there was an un-flagged TextureHandle. This happened sometime during a mission, so what I did was:

  1. Start Marble Blast, wait for a demo to start playing
  2. Exit mission
  3. Flag open allocs
  4. Wait for another demo to start playing
  5. Exit mission
  6. Dump unflagged allocs

Now not every item in gTexManager was a memory leak because when the mission loaded, the bitmaps used for the main menu were unloaded and reloaded, so I had to figure out which ones were actually leaks, and which were just loaded when the main menu came back up, so what I needed to know was the texture name...and this is how I did it:

if( pah->fileName && dStrstr( pah->fileName, "" ) > 0 )
   U8 *foo = (U8 *)pah;
   foo += sizeof(Header);
   TextureObject *obj = (TextureObject *)foo;

   dSprintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "Possible Texture Leak: %s\n", obj->texFileName );

   OutputDebugString( buffer );

So that's about it for memory leak detection. You will get an idea after a while of what actually is a leak, and what is a reallocation or a console allocation. I also recommend pasting the information into a spreadsheet so you can sort by file name etc. I hope this helps some of you. In case you have a version of Torque without the code I am talking about, all you have to do is paste the following code into

Add the bold line to the MemConstants enum:

enum MemConstants {
   Allocated            = BIT(0),
   Array                = BIT(1),
   <b>FlaggityFlag         = BIT(2),</b>
   AllocatedGuard       = 0xCEDEFEDE,
   FreeGuard            = 0x5555FFFF,
   MaxAllocationAmount  = 0xFFFFFFFF,
   TreeNodeAllocCount   = 2048,

Add the following code right before the initLog() function:

void flagCurrentAllocs()
   PageRecord* walk;
   for (walk = gPageList; walk; walk = walk->prevPage) {
      for(Header *probe = walk->headerList; probe; probe = probe->next)
         if (probe->flags & Allocated) {
            AllocatedHeader* pah = (AllocatedHeader*)probe;
            pah->flags |= FlaggityFlag;

ConsoleFunction(FlagCurrentAllocs, void, 1, 1, "FlagCurrentAllocs();")
   argc; argv;

ConsoleFunction(DumpUnflaggedAllocs, void, 2, 2, "DumpUnflaggedAllocs(filename);")
   FileStream fws;[1], FileStream::Write);
   char buffer[1024];

   PageRecord* walk;
   for (walk = gPageList; walk; walk = walk->prevPage) {
      for(Header *probe = walk->headerList; probe; probe = probe->next)
         if (probe->flags & Allocated) {
            AllocatedHeader* pah = (AllocatedHeader*)probe;
            if (!(pah->flags & FlaggityFlag))
               // If you want to extract further information from an unflagged
               // memory allocation, do the following:
               // U8 *foo = (U8 *)pah;
               // foo += sizeof(Header);
               // FooObject *obj = (FooObject *)foo;
               dSprintf(buffer, 1023, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\r\n",
                  pah->fileName != NULL ? pah->fileName : "Undetermined",
                  pah->line, pah->realSize, pah->allocNum);
               fws.write(dStrlen(buffer), buffer);


// --- Put the rest of the #ifdef DEBUG_GUARD code here

--Pat Wilson 17:39, 17 Jun 2005 (CDT)