
From TDN



Axis Gizmo

Q: complete current tool and return to axis gizmo.
Enter: complete current tool and return to axis gizmo.
Escape: cancel current tool and return to axis gizmo.
hold CTRL / CMD: switch to rotation gizmo.
hold CTRL / CMD + shift: switch to rotation gizmo, snap rotation.
hold alt / option: switch to scale gizmo.

Modify Tools

Switching Tools

Q: complete current tool and return to axis gizmo.
W: activate Translate Tool.
E: activate Rotate Single Axis Tool.
R: activate Planar Scale Tool.
T: activate Size Bounds Tool.
Y: Repeat Last Tool. Repeats the last create or modify tool.

In-Tool Commands

Enter: Complete tool and return to Select / axis gizmo mode.
Escape: Cancel tool changes and return to Select / axis gizmo mode.
SHIFT + Enter: Complete tool with current settings and remain in current tool.

Create Tools

This is a list of the shortcuts that can be used while in any Primitives or Shape Creation tool:

ALT: Causes the brush to be created from its center point if held when first dragging the brush's extent.
SHIFT: Causes the brush's dimensions to scale uniformly is 3 dimensions if held while resizing the brush.
Enter: Applies the Make command, completing the brush and ending the create tool.
SHIFT+Enter: Applies the Make & Continue command, completing the brush remaining in create mode editing a new, identical brush.
Escape: Cancels the brush, deleting it and ending the create tool.

View Tools

END: Reset Workplane.
HOME: Align Workplane to Selected Face.
Shift+HOME: Reset Workplane to Selected Face's Texture.
Ctrl+HOME: Align Workplane to Selected Brush's Origin.

Viewport and Camera Keyboard Shortcuts

numpad 0: maximize the current viewport.
numpad 1: changes the current viewport to "Top View"
numpad 2: changes the current viewport to "Bottom View"
numpad 3: changes the current viewport to "Front View"
numpad 4: changes the current viewport to "Back View"
numpad 5: changes the current viewport to "Left View"
numpad 6: changes the current viewport to "Right View"
numpad 7: changes the current viewport to "Perspective View"
numpad 8: changes the current viewport to "Texture (UV) View"
numpad del: toggles target cam mode.
C: toggle free cam mode.

Selection Options

1: Switch to Vertex Mode.
CMD / CTRL + 1: Convert the current selection to vertices and switch to Vertex Mode.
2: Switch to Face Mode.
CMD / CTRL + 2: Convert the current selection to faces and switch to Face Mode.
3: Switch to Brush Mode.
CMD / CTRL + 3: Convert the current selection to brushes and switch to Brush Mode.
CMD / CTRL + G: Group current selection.
CMD / CTRL + Shift + G: Ungroup current selection.
CTRL + L: Lock current selection.*
CTRL + Alt + L: Lock all currently unselected objects.*
CTRL + Shift + L: Unlock all locked objects.*
CTRL + H: Hide current selection.*
CTRL + Alt + H: Hide all currently unselected objects.*
CTRL + Shift + H: Show all hidden objects.*

*Note that Hide and Lock commands use CTRL on Macintosh rather than CMD to avoid conflicting with the Mac OS X Hide command.


CTRL / CMD + R: Relight Scene.
CTRL / CMD + Shift + R: Relight Selected.