
From TDN

This page is a Work In Progress.


Selection Modes

There are three basic selection modes in constructor:

  1. Vertices
  2. Faces
  3. Brushes


In Vertices selection mode you can select the points/vertices that form a brush/brushes. This is particularly useful for modifying brushes into more complex shapes.


In Faces selection mode you can select the faces that form a brush/brushes. The primary use of face selection mode is to align and scale textures.


In Brushes selection mode you can select any number of brushes and move, resize, and otherwise manipulate them.

Selection Modes Panel

The most obvious (and probably easiest) way to choose your selection mode is with the Selection Modes Panel that is by default located at the bottom of your screen below your view-ports.

Selection Menu Tab

Another way to change your selection mode is by using the selection menu tab.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alternatively you can change your selection mode by using keyboard shortcuts.

Key Bind Selection Mode
Control + 1 Vertices
Control + 2 Faces
Control + 3 Brushes